Local PartneRS
We love our community and it’s our delight to support and network with local partners to serve individuals and families in strategic, empowering, and dignifying ways.
LifeStyle Hair care
LifeStyle Hair Care is our newest partnership! We are proud to support the launch of a Black-owned Barbershop right out of our own building.
SOUtheast community network
Life Center Madison hosts a monthly meeting of city, county, nonprofit, and faith-based agencies and service providers that are networking to strategize new and best ways to overcome the unique geographic challenges of southeast Madison in order to connect residents to excellent services and helpful resources. We have joined the City of Madison’s Owl Creek Neighborhood Resource Team (NRT) monthly meetings as well.
WISCONSIN Council of churches
The Wisconsin Council of Churches is a network of 20 Christian traditions and around 2,000 congregations and faith-based organizations who are committed to ecumenical fellowship and work for the unity and renewal of the Church and the healing and reconciliation of the world.